Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

  • Быстрый поиск
  • Расширенный поиск
Тип материала:

13. Трата денег (Решетникова Л.Ф.)

Текст урока

  • Конспект

     Решетникова Лариса Филипповна
    Учитель английского языка
    МОАУ «СОШ №28 г. Орска»
    Класс: 10 
    УМК: «Английский в фокусе», под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012
    Уровень обучения: базовый
    Тема урока: «Трата денег».
    Общее количество часов: 13
    Место урока в системе уроков по теме: тринадцатый урок в модуле.
    Цель урока: формирование умений работы с текстом по предметным областям.
    Задачи урока: 
    -закрепить и отработать лексику в речи и на письме;
    -развивать умения построения монологического высказывания и творческого мышления;
    -воспитывать интерес к жизни подростков других стран и бережного отношения к деньгам.	
    Планируемые ЗУН:
    понимать значения лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой данного этапа обучения и соответствующими ситуациями общения, в том числе оценочной лексики, реплик-клише речевого этикета, отражающих особенности культуры страны/стран изучаемого языка; понимать значение изученных грамматических явлений в расширенном объеме
    рассказывать о своем окружении, рассуждать в рамках изученной тематики и проблематики; представлять социокультурный портрет своей страны и страны/стран изучаемого языка;
    использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни
    Техническое обеспечение урока: учебник, наглядный материал, ноутбук, колонки, раздаточный материал.
    Содержание урока:
    I. Организационно-мотивационный момент.
    Т: Good morning, dear friends!  I am glad to see you today. I want to know how do you feel today? Thank you very much. I wish you good luck.
    P1, etc.
    II. Фонетическая зарядка.
    T: Boys and girls, I want you to repeat the words after me.
    Borrow, lend, lose,  need, save, collect,  earn,  spend, win, make,  waste, cost.
    III. Речевая разминка.
    T: Pupils, look at the board. Listen and repeat the poem after me.
     Workers earn it,
    Spendthrifts  burn it,
    Bankers lend it,
    Women spend it,
    Forgers fake it,
    Taxes take it,
    Dying leavе it,
    Heirs receive it,
    Thrifty, save it,                                    
    Miners crave it,                                 
    Robbers seize it, 
    Gamblers lose it,
    I could use it.
          IV.    Постановка темы и целей урока.
     T: What is the theme of our lesson?
    P1-P2: отвечают.
    T: And what are we going to do at our lesson boys and girls?
    P1-P2: отвечают.
    V.  Проверка домашнего задания. (самостоятельная работа со словарем)
    Т: Friends, your home task was to find and explain the meaning of the following words.
    Borrow Collect Earn   Lend Lose Need Save Spend Win   
    P1, P2, P etc.объясняют значение слов.
    Borrow-to use smth.that belongs to another person and return it later.
    Collect- to get and keep things that interest you.
    Earn    - to get money for working.
    Lend   - to let someone borrow smth. you have, especially money.
    Lose     - to no longer have smth.you had, especially smth. you need  or like.
    Need   - you can use “need” to say that smth is necessary.
    Save    - to keep money in order to use it later.
    Spend - to use money to buy or pay smth.
    Win     - to be successful in a competition.
    Make    -to earn smth.
    T: We are going to use these words in our exercises.
    VI. Введение и активизация новых лексических единиц.
    1) T: Today we are going to take the new words on our theme «Britain Young Consumers». Please, open your vocabularies and write down them in it.
    New words:
    catch up
    dig into
    deep into
    hand out 
    make money 
    enough money
    bus fares
    розничный торговец, лавочник
    глубоко в
    выдавать, раздавать
    зарабатывать деньги
    достаточно денег
    плата за проезд в автобусе
    Т: Now, you will listen to the speaker and repeat after him.
    P: слушают диктора, повторяют.
    Good work, well done!
    2) T: Dear friends, I want you to explain these words/phrases in bold. Use them to make sentences.Ex.3 p.29
    (учащиеся составляют предложения)
    3) Boys and girls, I want you to do Ex.4 p.28. What do you think teenagers in your country spent their money on? You may consult with your partner. (работа в парах) Choose the list:
    -clothes and accessories
    -household bills
    -eating out
    -mobile phone cards
    -sweets and snacks
    -bus fares 
    -computer games
    -going out (cinema, concerts, sporting events)
    -supermarket shopping
    VII.   Активизация грамматического материала.
    Т: So, it’s time to work with our grammar. 
    1. Complete   the sentences with these verbs in the correct form.
    Borrow, lend, lose, need  ,save  ,collect,  earn,  spend , win, make  ,  waste, cost.
    1) In a casino   you can_________ or __________ money very easily!
    2) If you ------ money, you can ask a friend to ------------ you some or ---------- money from a bank.
    3) His company ---------- a lot of money and so he ------ a good salary.
    4) She is careful with money—she doesn’t --------very much. She ---------40 a week.
    5) At the moment she ----- money for charity.
    6) He -----------the lottery and now he----a lot of money on clothes.
    7) I Shall -----------you an offer for that car.
    8) She----------a good salary and----------money every month to buy a house.
    9) Can you--------------- me 10 $? Remember, you-----some money from me last month.
      2. Now children, let’s do Ex.5.29. The task is filling in the gaps the following verbs:  lend, pay, earn, save, waste, cost, borrow.
    1) How do you …..for things you buy in cash ,by cheque or by credit card?
    2)Do you ever …..money to your friends?
    3)Do you ever…..money from your friends?
    4)Do you…..up to buy something you want, e.g.bike?
    5)Do you think teenagers…..their money on things they don´t really need?
    6)Which of the things you buy …..a lot and which are reasonably priced?
    7)Do you have a part –time job to ….extra money?
           VIII.Динамическая пауза
    T: I think you are tired, our eyes want some rest! Look at the screen. (Зарядка для глаз)   
    IX.   Активизация навыков монологической речи. 
    1) Работа в парах
    Т: Well! Let´s continue our work. Look and read the title and the first paragraph of the article on page 28. And be ready to answer the question. 
    What do you think British teenagers spend their money on? Work in pairs.
    2) The following task is: read the teenagers quotes (1-6) in the text on p.29 and match each one to the comments (A-F) bellow.
    A.I have borrowed money which I will pay back when I start working.
    B. I am such a keen fan that I spend my pocket money on buying tickets for all their matches.
    C. It´s not that I´m too lazy to work I just don´t have the time. I need to get good grades.
    D. I want one that takes photos and has an MP3 player on it.
    E. I don´t mind earning my pocket money. I think it´s only fair.
    F. I have just bought some fantastic new jeans. I spent two weeks´ wages on them. Shopping is my favourite hobby.
    3) Работа в группах.
    T: Now, you will work in groups. Your task is to read the situations on p.29 and be ready to answer the questions. Please, discuss these questions in your groups.
    -1st group:  what do British teenagers spend their money on?
    2nd group: what do you spend your money on?
      I X.     Активизация навыков письменной речи. Работа в группах. Now I want you to find out how responsible is your class with money?
    Write a short paragraph about your findings.
    E.g. Most of the class seems to be quite responsible with money. Almost everyone would….	
    Group1, group2, group3 –read their message.
        XII.       Домашнее задание. 
    T: Now, open your homework diaries and write down your home task. (Ex.7 p.29; learn the new words by heart.) 
    T: Dear friends, I enjoyed your work today, the lesson is over you may be free, see you tomorrow! Good-bye!
        XIII.       Выставление отметок. 
        XIV.       Подведение итогов.
    Т: Ok, dears, thank you for your work.
     What have we done today? What was the most interesting for you? What was easy/difficult during the lesson?
    P: отвечают на вопросы.

    Автор(ы): Решетникова Л. Ф.

    Скачать: Английский язык 10кл - Конспект.docx

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