Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

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Урок №47 Контрольная работа №4

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                                                                                                       Дедловская Галина Анатольевна                             
                                                                            учитель английского языка                                      
                                                                            МОБУ  «Черкасская средняя общеобразовательная  школа 
                                                                            имени Григория Тимофеевича Чумакова» 
                                                                                                                              Саракташского района Оренбургской области   
    Название предмета: английский язык                                                                                                             
    Класс: 9                                                                                                                                                                          
    УМК:  “Spotlight 9”; авторы учебника: Ю. Е. Ваулина, Дж. Дули, О. Е Подоляко, В. Эванс. Год издания – 2010 год.                                                                                                                   Уровень обучения: базовый                                                                                                                 
    Тема урока: Контроль усвоения материала модуля 4 «Технологии»  (тест)                                  
    Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы:11                                                                 
    Место урока в системе уроков по теме: 11                                                                                            
    Цель урока: организация самоконтроля и рефлексии учебных достижений учащихся по завершении работы над модулем.                                                                                                   Задачи урока:                                                                                                                             
    Обучающие :                                                                                                                                                 
    - организация деятельности учащихся по письменному контролю языкового материала пройденного раздела;                                                                                                                - применению знаний и умений в разнообразных ситуациях,                                                         
    - активизация работы каждого ученика                                                                                                                                            
    - развитие у учащихся интеллектуальной, информационной, коммуникативной культуры;                                                                                                                               - развитие внимания, логического мышления, памяти, сообразительности;                                                
    - развитие умения анализировать и синтезировать учебный материал.                                                        
    - формирование уважительного отношения друг к другу.                                                    
    - воспитывать у учащихся культуру общения;                                                                                
    - прививать навыки коллективного труда, воспитывать навыки самостоятельности;                                                                                                                                   - повышать уровень мотивации к изучению английского языка.                                                   
    Тип урока: урок проверки и контроля изученного    материала                                                                                     
    Планируемые результаты:                                                                                                                     
    - формирование навыков самоанализа и  самоконтроля,                                                  
    -  проявлять готовность к сотрудничеству;                                                                                                              
    - развить творческие способности;                                                                                                       
    - осознать успешность своей деятельности.                                                                                                                
    - планировать, контролировать, и оценивать учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей;                                                                                                                       - осуществлять самоконтроль в совместной деятельности.                                         
    - развитие лексических навыков                                                                                          
    - развитие грамматических навыков                                                                                                     
     - развитие орфографических навыков                                                                                                  
    Техническое обеспечение урока: распечатанные тесты двух вариантов. (приложение 1 - тест)                                
    Содержание урока:
    Этапы урока
    Дидактическая задача
    Деятельность учителя                    (с указанием приемов и методов, согласно применяемой технологии)
    Деятельность учащихся (с указанием форм работы)
    Мотивация к учебной деятельности
    Выработка у ученика внутренней готовности к учебной деятельности.
    Учитель приветствует класс. 
    Good Morning boys and girls, sit down, please. I’m glad to see  you.
    Создает эмоциональный настрой на учебную деятельность (How are you today? Are you OK?)
    Приветствуют учителя. 
    Настраиваются на учебную деятельность (I am fine, thank you). 
     Постановка темы и учебно-познавательной задачи
    Постановка целей учебной деятельности.
    Выслушивает учащихся, предоставляя возможность высказать им своё мнение и сформулировать тему и учебно-познавательную задачу (What do you see?)
    Называет тему урока, объявляет о контрольном тестировании. 
    Догадываются, выдвигают тему урока.  С помощью учителя формулируют цель урока. 
     Письменный контроль изученного материала
    Выявление степени усвоения знаний и умений, необходимых для решения учебной задачи.
    Раздаёт тесты. Даёт инструкции по выполнению контрольных заданий. Отвечает на вопросы учащихся. Контролирует выполнение работы.
    Слушают учителя, ориентируются в заданиях при их объяснении. Задают вопросы. Выполняют тестовые задания.
     Рефлексия (подведение итогов работы)
    анализ учащимися результатов своей учебной деятельности.
    Принимает работы учащихся. Предлагает учащимся самостоятельно высказаться о содержании урока, полученных знаниях и итогах работы.
    Благодарит за проделанную работу  (That’s all for today. You have worked well. Thank you).
    Прощается с учениками (Goodbye. See you next lesson).
    Сдают контрольные работы. Высказываются о трудностях при выполнении контрольного теста.
    Прощаются с учителем. 
    Приложение 1 - тест
    SPT 9            Test 4           I variant
    A  Fill in the correct phrase.
    • figurative speech • artificial brain • phone line • email account • broadband connection • emotional response
    1/ Scientists are working on creating a(n) ……. which will make robots think on their own.                   
    2/ Why don't you get a(n) ............? You'll be able to get on the Internet much faster than you do now.
    3/  I can't send or receive anything over the Internet until I've set up my .....
    4/ Do you believe robots will ever be able to understand idioms or other parts of……….
    5/ George didn't have an Internet connection, so he checked his ....... to see if it was working. 
    6/ You can't expect a robot to show a(n) ........! They have no feelings!                                                          6x2 = 12
    B  Fill in the correct word. There are three words you do not need to use.
    • caters • exists • discover • divided •invented • overcome • subscription • modem • perform • deletes • become • server • build
    7/ Some experts believe that robots with human intelligence will someday ........... a reality.	
    8/ I don't think that a machine that can think on its own ....................
    9/Timothy can't connect to the Internet because his computer doesn't have a(n)......................
    10/ Did you know that there are robots which can	
    ..............tasks such as serving tea and vacuuming the carpets? 
    11/ One of the problems robotics experts have to …..
    when creating a household robot is getting it to understand and respond to everyday language.
    12/ John cancelled his monthly ..........  to  his Internet Service Provider because it was  too expensive.
    13/ Ben used recycled materials to ....... his robot for the science exhibition.
    14/ Andy has ..................a new gadget again; he really loves making things.	
    15/ Experts are ...... as to whether robots will ever take the place of human teachers in the classroom.
    16/ John  never goes anywhere without his laptop,
    as it ..................for all  his business needs.
    10x2 =20
    C  Underline the correct verb form.
    17. By the end of the year, Eric will be working/ will have been working on his new computer gadget for almost seven months.
     18. Are you showing/Will you show me how to get free music downloads from the Internet?
    19. You can't carry all these bags yourself. I am taking/ 'll take some of them off your hands.
    20. This time next week we will be enjoying/will  have enjoyed ourselves at the Notting Hill Carnival.
    21. Be careful! You will spill/are going to spill coffee on your keyboard!
    22. The lecture will have started/starts at 6 pm so we have plenty of time to get there.
    23. Mr Higgins is giving/gives a demonstration of the new robot tomorrow evening.
    24. By this time next month, we will have completed /will be completing our computer training course.
    25. I am installing/will install the anti-virus software on your computer as soon as I get home tonight, I promise.
    26.  Do you buy/Are you buying Peter a new games console for his birthday?
    D Choose the correct answer.
    27/ I will call you when I .........in London.
    A will arrive	    B arrive      C am arriving
    28/ Bob rebooted his computer ..........the screen would  stop freezing.
    A in order	  B in case         C so that
    29/The scanner isn't working. When ....... someone to fix it?
    A do you call	B will you call     C have you called
    30/ Richard is .........hooked on the Internet that he even does all his shopping online.
    A very	  B such	     C so
    31/ I need a scanner .....I can transfer these photos to my PC
    A so that	B so as	         C in order
    32/ The robots of the future will have.......... amazing abilities that they will be able to do almost anything.
    A such an	B so	C such
    33/ Anne called Frank ..........ask him about her computer problem.
    A so as	         B so that     C to
    34 /James stopped playing his video game ........he heard his mum at the door.
    A while 	B by the time    C as soon as
    35 /Daniel bought a used computer ..........spend all of his savings.
    A in case not	B so as not to    C in order not
    Everyday English
    E Choose the right response.
    36  Let me take a look at that computer problem for you.
    37  Would you agree that many teenagers
    spend too much time on their computers?
    38  Can you give me a hand with the printer?
    39  I suggest that you reboot the system.
    40  I've lost some files.
    A     Have you tried running a search?
    B     I've already tried that and it didn't work.
    C    That's really kind of you.
    D    Um ... in a way, yes.
    E    Sure, what's the problem?
    F Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (41-45). There is one extra heading you do not need to use.
    41 .............
    For thousands of years human beings have dreamt of cheating death and the aging process. In their fantasy world, they live forever and remain young and beautiful in old age. Well, it may sound incredible, but there are some scientists who believe that mankind will soon have the technology to make this dream come true!
    Sounds like science fiction? Maybe. But remember that technology gives us the ability to do things today that people living only a few decades ago would have considered magic. Therefore, there is no reason why we shouldn't believe that experts will make all this possible. 
    43 ............
    Some scientists believe that medical technology is moving so fast that by the end of this century, advanced anti-aging technologies will be available, and it will let people live for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years if they want to. Of course few people would want to live
    to 1000 if, they had to spend hundreds of years looking and feeling like a 90-year-old. But some researchers think medicine will be able to keep people looking and feeling as beautiful and fit at 500 years old as they were at the age of 25!
    44 ............
    Naturally, the possibility of living 50 long raises many problems if people don’t die, how will the Earth cope when it gets so overcrowded? Many people believe that scientists should not develop anti-aging technology, and that they should let nature take its course as it has been doing tor millions of years.
    45 ............
    Of course, most scientists believe that humans will never possess such technology. But if living to 1000 becomes possible, do you think it would be a dream ... or a nightmare? And, if you had the choice, would you choose to live forever?
    G Listen to some people talking about mobile phones and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).
    A   I only make short phone calls on my mobile.
    B   I feel that I need my phone too much
    C   Mobile phones are good for reasons of safety.
    D  I don't like the way people phrase text messages.
    E  I spend a lot of money on my mobile phone.
    46   Speaker 1
    47   Speaker 2
    48   Speaker 3
    49   Speaker 4
    50   Speaker 5
    SPT 9            Test 4           II variant
    A  Fill in the correct phrase.
    • figurative speech • artificial brain • phone line • email account • broadband connection • emotional response
    1/ I can access my … from anywhere in the world
    2/ Why don't you get a(n) ............? You'll be able to get on the Internet much faster than you do now.
    3/  You can't expect a robot to show a(n) ........! They have no feelings!
    4/ When we move to our new house, we will have a …put straight away so we can connect to the Internet.
    5/ Do you believe robots will ever be able to understand idioms or other parts of………. 
    6/ Scientists are working on creating a(n) ……. which will make robots think on their own.                   6x2 = 12
    B  Fill in the correct word. There are three words you do not need to use.
    • caters • exists • discover • divided •invented • overcome • subscription • modem • perform • deletes • become • server • build
    7/ Some experts believe that robots with human intelligence will someday ........... a reality.	
    8/ Did you know that there are robots which can	
    ..............tasks such as serving tea and vacuuming the carpets? 
    9/The reason why you can’t connect to the Internet is that there’s something wrong with your ….. .
    10/ I don't think that a machine that can think on its own ....................
    11/ One of the problems robotics experts have to …..
    when creating a household robot is getting it to understand and respond to everyday language.
    12/ How much do you pay each month for your … to your Internet service provider?
    13/ Bob used recycled materials to ....... his robot for the science exhibition.
    14/ Experts are ...... as to whether robots will ever take the place of human teachers in the classroom.	
    15/ Andy has ..................a new gadget again; he really loves making things.	
    16/ Ben never goes anywhere without his laptop,
    as it ..................for all  his business needs.
    10x2 =20
    C  Underline the correct verb form.
    17. Don't worry, John will have been fixing/will have fixed your computer by the end of the day.
     18. Are you showing/Will you show me how to get free music downloads from the Internet?
    19. Mark is really good with computers; I'm sure he is passing/will pass the IT test tomorrow.
    20. This time next week, we will have attended/'Il be attending the technology exhibition in Boston.
    21. The printer is making funny noises; it is going to break /will break down again.
    22. The train to Bristol will leave/leaves at 5:00 pm from platform six.
    23. Mr Smith is giving/gives a demonstration of his new invention tomorrow evening.
    24. By this time next month, we will have completed /will be completing our computer training course.
    25. I am installing/will install the anti-virus software on your computer as soon as I get home tonight, I promise.
    26.  I am going/will go to the art exhibition tomorrow afternoon. Do you want to join me?
    D Choose the correct answer.
    27/ Can we watch the parade when we .....to the Carnival?
    A are going	B go	C will  go
    28/ Send me a copy of the photographs ........I can show them to my friends.
    A in order	  B in case         C so that
    29/ The scanner isn't working. When ....... someone to fix it?
    A do you call	B have you called    C will you call     
    30/ I don't like my next-door neighbour; she's ........a  nosy woman!
    A very	  B such	     C so
    31 /Christine saved her work on a disc .........she would have an extra copy if something went wrong with her computer and she lost it.
    A so that	B so as	         C in order
    32 /The robots of the future will have.......... amazing abilities that they will be able to do almost anything.
    A such an	B so	C such
    33 /Anne called Frank ..........ask him about her computer problem.
    A so that	B so as	     C to
    34/ I will not download the file .........I've installed anti-virus software.
    A by the time	B until       	C while
    35 /Mary wants a laptop ..... use her brother’s computer anymore.
    A in case not	B so as not to    C in order not
    Everyday English
    E Choose the right response.
    36  Can you give me a hand with the printer?
    37  Would you agree that many teenagers
    spend too much time on their computers?
    38  Let me take a look at that computer problem for you.
    39  I've lost some files.
    40  I suggest that you reboot the system.
    A     Um ... in a way, yes.
    B     Sure, what's the problem?
    C    I've already tried that and it didn't work.
    D    Have you tried running a search?
    E    That's really kind of you.
    F Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (41-45). There is one extra heading you do not need to use.
    41 .............
    For thousands of years human beings have dreamt of cheating death and the aging process. In their fantasy world, they live forever and remain young and beautiful in old age. Well, it may sound incredible, but there are some scientists who believe that mankind will soon have the technology to make this dream come true!
    Sounds like science fiction? Maybe. But remember that technology gives us the ability to do things today that people living only a few decades ago would have considered magic. Therefore, there is no reason why we shouldn't believe that experts will make all this possible. 
    43 ............
    Some scientists believe that medical technology is moving so fast that by the end of this century, advanced anti-aging technologies will be available, and it will let people live for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years if they want to. Of course few people would want to live
    to 1000 if, they had to spend hundreds of years looking and feeling like a 90-year-old. But some researchers think medicine will be able to keep people looking and feeling as beautiful and fit at 500 years old as they were at the age of 25!
    44 ............
    Naturally, the possibility of living 50 long raises many problems if people don’t die, how will the Earth cope when it gets so overcrowded? Many people believe that scientists should not develop anti-aging technology, and that they should let nature take its course as it has been doing tor millions of years.
    45 ............
    Of course, most scientists believe that humans will never possess such technology. But if living to 1000 becomes possible, do you think it would be a dream ... or a nightmare? And, if you had the choice, would you choose to live forever?
    G Listen to some people talking about mobile phones and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).
    A   I don't like the way people phrase text messages.
    B   I feel that I need my phone too much
    C   I spend a lot of money on my mobile phone.
    D  I only make short phone calls on my mobile.
    E  Mobile phones are good for reasons of safety.
    46   Speaker 1
    47   Speaker 2
    48   Speaker 3
    49   Speaker 4
    50   Speaker 5
    1 вариант
     1 artificial brain
     2 broadband connection
     3 email account
    4 figurative speech
    5 phone line
    6 emotional response
    2 вариант
     1 email account 
     2 broadband connection
     3 emotional response
    4 phone line 
    5 figurative speech
    6 artificial brain 
    7 become
    8 exists
    9 modem
    10 perform
    11 overcome
    12 subscription
    13 build
    14 invented
    15 divided
    16 caters
    7 become
    8 perform 
    9 modem
    10 exists
    11 overcome
    12 subscription
    13 build
    14 divided 
    15 invented
    16 caters
    17 will have been working
    18 will you show
    19 ’ll take
    20 will be enjoying
    21 are going to spill
    22 starts
    23 is giving
    24 will have completed
    25 will install
    26are you buying
    17 will have fixed
    18 will you show
    19 will pass
    20 will be attending
    21 is going to break
    22 leaves
    23 is giving
    24 will have completed
    25 will install
    26 am going
    27 B
    28 C
    29 B
    30 C 
    31 A
    32 C
    33 C
    34 C
    35 B
    27 B
    28 C
    29 C
    30 B 
    31 A
    32 C
    33 C
    34 B
    35 B
    E   36 C
         37 D 
         38 E
         39 B
         40 A 
    E   36 B
         37 A 
         38 E
         39 D
         40 C 
    F  41 C
        42 F
        43 B
        44 D
        45 A
    F  41 F
        42 C
        43 E
        44 A
        45 B
    G   46 B
         47 E
         48 A
         49 C
         50 D
    G   46 B
         47 C
         48 D
         49 E
         50 A

    Автор(ы): Дедловской Г. А.

    Скачать: Английский язык 9кл - Конспект.docx