Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

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Тип материала:

Тип материала

Урок 14. Прошедшее простое и used to.

Текст урока

  • Конспект.

     Бородкина Марина Петровна,
    учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия»
    Гайского ГО Оренбургской области
    Название предмета: Английский язык
    Класс: 7
    УМК: серия «Английский в фокусе» Ю. Ваулина, О. Подоляко, В. Эванс, Д. Дулли 
    “Spotlight 7” М.: «Просвещение», 2010
    Уровень обучения: базовый
    Тема урока: Прошедшее простое и used to
    Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы: 1 час
    Место урока в системе уроков по теме: МОДУЛЬ 2. TALE TIME (Время рассказов), неделя V, урок 14
    Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных умений в различных видах речевой деятельности (говорении, чтении)
    Задачи урока:
    общеобразовательные: формировать лексико-грамматические навыки, навыки чтения, говорения, выявить качество и уровень овладения знаниями и умениями, полученными на предыдущих уроках. 
    воспитательные: вовлечь в активную деятельность, воспитать культуру учебного труда, воспитывать толерантность, умение сотрудничать
    развивающие: способствовать развитию лексико-грамматических навыков, навыков чтения, говорения, социокультурной компетенции, рефлексии, адекватной самооценки
    Планируемые образовательные результаты:
    предметные: передавать основную мысль прочитанного текста, воспринимать на слух и полностью понимать речь учителя, одноклассников, выражать свое мнение
    личностные: формирование мотивации изучения иностранных языков и стремление к самосовершенствованию в образовательной области «Иностранный язык»
    метапредметные: развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение
    Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока: серия «Английский в фокусе» «Английский язык» рабочая тетрадь, пособие для учащихся 7 класса, и-нет сайт УМК: http//prosv.ru/umk/spotlight, И.Н. Верещагина О.В. Афанасьева Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику английского языка для V класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей, Е.А. Барашкова Грамматика английского языка сборник упражнений часть 1 
    Содержание урока:
    1. Организация начала занятия, создание эмоционально положительного настроя
    T-Sts: Hello! I am very glad to see you. Are you OK?
    Sts-T: Good morning, teacher. We are fine.
    2. Стимулирование познавательного интереса
    T-Sts: Well, children, I have some questions for you. How old are you? What are you interested in? Did you have the same interests when you were younger?
    So your interests changed with time. (Вынести предложение на доску)
    How do you spend your days now when your school year began? Did you spend your days the same way when you were on holidays?
    So your daily routine changed with time. (Вынести предложение на доску)
    3. Определение цели урока
    Look at these two sentences on the blackboard and think, please, what we are going to speak about.
    Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения, слушают друг друга. Совместно с учителем определяют цель урока: “We shall speak about something we did in the past but don’t do it anymore”.
    4. Актуализация знаний обучающихся. Повторение грамматики  предыдущего урока.
    Индивидуальные задания по грамматике:
    Задания для слабых обучающихся:
    Проспрягать глагол to go/to do/to speak в  Past Simple
    Задания для средней группы обучающихся:
    1. Give three forms of the verbs.
    find –                                               hear – 
    get –                                                 understand – 
    2. Translate into Russian.
    lose –                                                had – 
    sat –                                                  sleep – 
    3. Give negative form.
    drank –                                              forgot – 
    thought –                                           told – 
    1. Give three forms of the verbs.
    tell –                                                   forget – 
    sleep –                                                 lose – 
    2. Translate into Russian.
    have –                                                  found – 
    heard –                                                 say – 
    3. Give negative form.
    took –                                                 read – 
    flew –                                                 gave – 
    1. Give three forms of the verbs.
    find –                                                  take – 
    give –                                                  come – 
    2. Translate into Russian.
    told –                                                  get – 
    understand –                                        wore – 
    3. Give negative form.
    sat –                                                    drank – 
    heard –                                                slept – 
    1. Give three forms of the verbs.
    think –                                                  sit – 
    wear –                                                  say – 
    2. Translate into Russian.
    take –                                                  got – 
    came –                                                 hear – 
    3. Give negative form.
    found –                                                 gave – 
    understood –                                         flew – 
    Задания для сильных обучающихся:
    EX 1. These are Sally’s routine things. She does them every day. Yesterday she did the same. Write what she did yesterday.
    Example:   Sally cleans carpet every day.
                      Yesterday she cleaned the carpet too.
    1. Sally washes up every day.
    2. Sally always helps about the house.
    3. Sally goes shopping in the afternoon.
    4. Sally does her flat at the weekend.
    5. Sally waters the flowers in the evening.
    6. Sally airs the room in her apartment every morning.
    EX 2. Write what you did (didn’t do) yesterday.
    Example:    Yesterday I didn’t work (or worked) in the garden.
    1. plant flowers in the garden
    2. read a newspaper
    3. write a letter to Granny
    4. explain a grammar rule to my friend
    5. clean the carpet with the vacuum cleaner
    6. spend three hours outdoors
    7. wash shirts in a washing machine
    EX 3. Yesterday Math class was terrible. All the pupils came to school without their homework done. And all had excuses. Write their excuses and put down in brackets if their excuse was good.
    Example:    Bob (lose) his pen.
                      Bob lost his pen. (The excuse was not good).
    1. Nelly (go) to her Granny.
    2. Frank’s dog (eat) his exercise book.
    3. Sue (leave) her paper at home.
    4. Nick (have) a headache.
    5. Florence (take) her Grandad to the airport.
    6. Caroline (meet) her friends at the station.
    7. David (break) his hand.
    EX 4. Think of your last holiday and write the answers to the following questions:
    1. Where did you spend your holidays?
    2. When did you go there?
    3. Why did you go there?
    4. With whom did you travel?
    5. What did you do there?
    5. Работа с новым грамматическим материалом.
    - ex. 5 (a) p. 18-19 (Study the rule. Find examples of used to in the text).
    - ex. 5 (b) p. 19 (Make up sentences)
    - Работа в группах с распечатанными упражнениями:
    Ex. 1 Write the sentences using used to
    1. He got up at 6 o’clock.
    2. He went to the swimming pool every Saturday.
    3. Granny told us a lot of interesting things about her school.
    4. They invited a lot of people.
    5. When I was a baby I slept a lot.
    6. She made tasty cakes.
    7. I ate a lot of fruit.
    8. He asked the same questions.
    9. They were very noisy.
    10. She told us everything.
    Ex. 2 Make questions using used to
    ask   be interested      drink    get up     have     play     stay     swim     take     travel     work
    Ex. Did you use to play the guitar?
    1.  …………………………………….. early?
    2.  …………………………………….. in Mathematics?
    3.  …………………………………….. Cola?
    4.  …………………………………….. long hair?
    5.  …………………………………….. hard?
    6.  …………………………………….. many questions?
    7.  …………………………………….. books from the library?
    8.  …………………………………….. by car?
    9.  …………………………………….. in the swimming pool?
    10.  …………………………………… at the hotel?
    Ex. 3 Which is right? Complete the sentences
    1. My brother ………… (plays/used to play) football a lot, but now he …………. (doesn’t/didn’t use to) play football.
    2. I know his English ………….. (is/used to be) good now, but it ……………. (is/used to be) very bad.
    3. I know he ……….. (plays/doesn’t play) the violin now, but when he ……….. (is/was) a pupil he ………….. (plays/used to play) the violin very well.
    4. He ……….. (doesn’t/didn’t) ………. (used/use) to drink coffee, but now he ………. (likes/used to like) it.
    Ex. 4 Complete the sentences using used to, didn’t use to or did …. use  to?                                   
    To be     to live     to spend     to go in for     to drink
    1. Mary’s brother …………… sports when he was small, but now he is a well-known sportsman.
    2. …………… you …………. your holidays in Brighton?                                  
    3. When my cousin was a child he ……………. on the farm.                           
    4. Mike ………… a very healthy boy, but now he is often ill.
    5. I ……………… milk, but now I live in the country and drink it every day.
    6. When you speak about several events in the past you need special words to show their sequence. What are these words? Study the box in ex. 6 p. 19. Then join the sentences with the words in bold.
    - WB ex. 4 p. 12 (Circle the correct answer)
    7. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
    Our lesson is going to the end. Let’s remember what we learned at this lesson.
    St1: We did exercises and answered questions.
    St2: We learned special words to introduce time and show a sequence of events.
    St3: We learned to speak about past habits.      
    8. Домашнее задание: ex. 3 p. 24.

    Автор(ы): Бородкина М. П.

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