Методический электронный образовательный центр Министерства образования Оренбургской области и Оренбургского государственного университета

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Тип материала:

96. Транс-Сибирская магистраль (Костыренкова Л.Н.)

Текст урока

  • Конспект

                                                                                                    Костыренкова Лариса Николаевна
                                                                                                   Учитель английского языка
                                                                                                    МОАУ «СОШ№51 г. Орска»
    Английский язык.
    11 класс.
    УМК Английский в фокусе, под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012
    Базовый уровень.
    Тема урока. Транс - Сибирская магистраль.
    Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы-1час.
    Место урока в системе уроков по теме -7 урок.
    Цели урока.
    Образовательная. Ознакомление учащихся с новой лексикой по теме «Путешествие». Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков учащихся.Обобщение ранее изученной лексики. Развивать произносительные навыки, навыки монологического и диалогического  высказывания, чтения  с полным и частичным пониманием прочитанного.
    Воспитательная. Расширение кругозора и формирование у учащихся  интереса к познанию  родной страны.
    Развивающая. Развитие  психических функций, связанных с речевой деятельностью (внимание, логическое мышление, способность к выявлению языковых особенностей, языковая догадка).
    Задачи урока:
    1)ознакомить учащихся  с новой лексикой по теме «Путешествие: Транс - Сибирская магистраль»:
    2)формировать и совершенствовать умения и навыки употребления лексико-грамматических структур в диалогической и монологической речи учащихся;
    3) способствовать развитию памяти, логического мышления;
    4)способствовать повышению интереса в изучении английского языка.
    Планируемые результаты. Учащиеся  научатся употреблять новую лексику по данной теме в диалогах и монологах. Расширят свои познания о России и в частности о Транс
    -Сибирской магистрали.
    Техническое обеспечение урока. Видеофильм. Аудиозапись.
    Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока (возможны ссылки на интернет-ресурсы).
    Содержание урока.
    1.Организационный момент (приветствие, проверка готовности к уроку).
    T: Good morning. It is nice to see you again.
    Ss: Good morning.
    T: Thank you. You may sit down. Who is absent?
    Ss: Everybody is here.
    T: Ok. Let us begin our lesson. 
    2. Проверка домашнего задания.
    T: Your home task was in your workbook. You should do exercise 3 at page 62. You should put nouns into singular or plural form in the sentences. Was it difficult for to do this task? Are there persons who are not ready with their home task?
    Ss: Everything was clear. 
    T: Hand over your work books. I will check your exercises and give you a mark.
    3. Фонетическая зарядка.
    Repeat after me the following words.
    Trans-Siberian Railway
    The Earth
    A regular service
    A wonderful city
    A beautiful natural harbour
    A main route
    4. Постановка темы, целей и задач урока.
    T: I will show you a film. After it you should say what our lesson will be devoted to.
    T: Now we have just watched the film. Tell me what the theme of our lesson will be.
    Ss: We will speak about Trans-Siberian Railway.
    T: Why should we speak about it?
    Ss: We should know more about the sights of Russia.
    T: What will we do at the lesson?
    Ss: I think we will speak about Trans-Siberian Railway. Make up dialogues and monologues. Do some exercises.
    5.  Изучение нового материала.
    T: Now open your textbooks at section «Spotlight on Russia» find the unit «Exploring Russia» at page 10. There are thousands of natural and cultural attractions in Russia and no better way to see them than by train. Now let us read the text about Trans-Siberian Railway. 
    Many people say the only way to see Russia is by train. So, if you're going by train, you may as well go on the nicest and longest train journey there is -on the Trans-Siberian Railway. From start to finish the journey covers 6,000 miles, that's a third of the way around the Earth! 
    The best thing about this journey though, is that you don't have to make it continuous. There is a regular service, so you can get on and off the train to enjoy the many wonderful cities along the way. For example, you can stop at Yoroslavl, which is one of Russia's oldest cities and has many beautiful buildings to see. Then there is Krasnoyarsk, founded in 1628, where you can see the unusual cliffs at Stolby Reserve. Let's not forget Vladivostok, with its beautiful natural harbour and lively city centre. The railway has three main routes. The Trans-Siberian line goes from Moscow to Vladivostock. The Trans-Manchurian line goes from Tarskaya to Beijing through China, and the Trans-Mongolian line goes from Ulan-Ude to Beijing through Mongolia. Whichever one you take though, you can be sure to pass through some of the most amazing landscapes in the world and visit some picturesque towns and cities. With the Trans-Siberian Railway, getting there is as much fun as being there!
    Учитель сначала читает текст сам, предложив учащимся проследить за его чтением, так как текст не предоставлен в системе аудиозаписей учебника, при чтении учитель может на свое усмотрение выделять голосом слова сложные для произношения учащимися. Затем нужно предложить прочесть текст учащимся. На данном этапе знакомства с текстом и темой в целом, слабоуспевающие учащиеся обязательно переводят предложение с английского языка на русский в устной форме, при затруднении перевода другие учащиеся могут оказать им помощь.
    6. Динамическая пауза.
    T: Now stand up. Come here. I would like to suggest you to do the following task I will divide you into 2 groups. I have drawn a table at the blackboard and you can see 2 columns. The first column is for the words which refer to the topic «Travelling» and the second one is for stations, towns, cities and countries of Trans-Siberian Railway. Each group will have a set of words. Each member of your group should take a word and put it into the column he thinks this word belongs to. Group№1 has the cards with green words. Group№2 has the cards with red words. I will switch on the music you should start doing your task. Ready. Go.
    Группы оценивают  выполнение задания, находят ошибки, исправляют и комментируют их. 
    7. Совершенствование, применение знаний и умений, их систематизация (закрепление).  
    T: So we have 2 groups. Now one group will make up questions about Trans-Siberian Railway and the second group will answer them.
    Gr1: What is the only way to see Russia?
    Gr2: The only way to Russia is by train.
    Gr1: What is the nicest and the longest train journey in Russia?
    Gr2: It is Trans-Siberian Railway journey.
    Gr1: How many miles does it cover?
    Gr2: It covers 6,000 miles.
    Gr1: Is there a regular service in the train?
    Gr2: There is a regular service, so you can get on and off the train to enjoy the many wonderful cities along the way.
    Gr1: What do you come to know about Vladivostok?
    Gr2: Vladivostok is a beautiful natural harbour and lively city centre.
    T: Thank you a lot for your questions and answers. I ask one question and you will give me an answer.
    Have you ever been at the Trans-Siberian Railway? If yes, what was it like? If no, would you like to? Why or why not?
     На заданный вопрос отвечают один или два представителя от каждой группы. Каждая группа оценивает ответ соперников.
    T: Each group should make up a dialogue. The first group will make up a dialogue between passengers in the train, which goes to Vladivostok. The second group will make up an interview between a correspondent and a native citizen of Krasnoyarsk. Then we will listen to your dialogues.
    T: In groups you should discuss a place in Russia you would like to visit. Then one member of your group will come here and tell us what you have prepared in your group but you should not tell the name of your town or a city. The members of the other group try to guess the name of this place. But you may tell us the names of sights of your town. Be ready in 3 minutes.
    T:  The first group will retell the text about Trans-Siberian Railway. A member of your group will say a sentence then the other member of your group will continue. All members of your group are to tell a sentence or two.
    Учащиеся по цепочке пересказывают текст, стараясь быть можно ближе к оригинальному тексту из учебника. Слабоуспевающим учащимся на данном этапе работы  нужно предложить карточки с  куском текста с пропущенными словами, их задача вставить нужные слова в пропуски в тексте. Проверить задания данных учащихся нужно попросить учеников, которые хорошо успевают по предмету. Данные учащиеся оценивают и комментируют свою оценку.
    T: The second group will retell the text about Trans-Siberian Railway but as you are in a train, which goes to Krasnoyarsk. A member of your group will say a sentence then the other member of your group will continue. All members of your group are to tell a sentence or two.
    Учащиеся по цепочке пересказывают текст, стараясь быть можно ближе к оригинальному тексту из учебника, но уже от первого лица и изменяя кое-какую информацию в тексте.
    T: The next task is a creative one. Each group should make up the main page of a website, which would be devoted to Trans-Siberian Railway. I will give you some sheets of paper and a lot of colour pencils. Here you are. Good luck.  
    8. Подведение итогов урока.
    T: What did we do at our lesson?
    Ss: We read the text about Trans-Siberian Railway. We did a lot of tasks such as dialogues, monologues.
    T: Why should we read such texts?
    Ss: To enrich our speech. We came to know more about Russia.
    Ss: To master the language.
    T: Did you come to know anything new at the lesson?
    Ss: Sure we did. 
    9. Рефлексия.
    T: What was difficult for you at this lesson?
    Ss:  Sometimes it was not easy to make up sentences correctly.
    T: What did you like best of all at our lesson?
    Ss: A video and the work in pairs and in groups.
    Ss: Make up a website page.
    10. Домашнее задание.
    T: Your home task will be in your textbook. You should do exercises 3 at page 144-145. Read the text about the travels of Gulliver, try to understand all information in the text and write down all the unknown words into your dictionaries. You should do exercises 4 at page 62 at your workbook.
    11. Аргументация оценивания знаний учащихся.
    T: Thank you for your work at the lesson. I am glad to give you the following marks. The lesson is over and I hope you liked everything. See you at the next lesson. Good luck.
    Учитель  аргументировано выставляет оценки  учащимся.

    Автор(ы): Костыренкова Л. Н.

    Скачать: Английский язык 11кл - Конспект.docx

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