Перфилова Елена Викторовна учитель иностранного языка МОАУ «СОШ № 88 г. Орска» Английский язык Класс: 11 УМК: Английский в фокусе, под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012 Уровень: базовый Тема: Рост городов в развивающемся мире (Urbanization in the Developing World) Общее количество часов: 102 Общее количество часов, отведённое на изучение темы: 13 Место урока в системе уроков по теме: Модуль 5. Урок 60. Тип урока: урок совершенствования навыка устной речи Цель урока: повышение образовательного уровня, совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся на основе практического владения знаниями по теме. Образовательная задача: развивать лингвистический и общий кругозор учащихся практиковать учащихся в чтении с полным пониманием и с извлечением необходимой информации, совершенствование навыка аудировании с извлечением необходимой информации совершенствование навыка устной речи Развивающая задача: развивать интеллектуальные и познавательные способности учащихся, умения работать в паре, группе, развивать способность к переключению внимания в разных видах речевой деятельности. Воспитательная задача: воспитывать способность к сопереживанию, чувство толерантности, желание изменить мир к лучшему. Планируемый результат: развитие умения планировать свое речевое и неречевое поведение Оснащение урока: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока: CD диск (аудиоприложение), презентация Power Point, интернет ресурсы – http://www.school-russia.prosv.ru/umk/horizonte/info.aspx?ob_no=16495, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68kDApw-eLU Содержание урока I.Организационный момент T: Hello, students. Nice to see you. Sit down, please. Well, let’s begin our lesson II. Речевая разминка и определение цели урока T: Where do you live? S: I live in a town. T: What can you say about your native town? Is it big? Is it beautiful? S: My native is town is not very big. I think there are more beautiful cities in the world, but I like my town. T: Look at the slides. What is it? P1: It is a town. It is small but beautiful. T: The next slide. How can you characterize the city P2: It is big, clean with a lot of parks. T: What city is it? Would you like to live in this city? P3: It’s Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. I would like to live there. T: What can say about this slide? What is it? P4: it’s a slum. It is dirty and poor. I would not like to live there. T: What is the theme of our lesson? What are we going to speak about today? P1: The topic of our lesson is slums T: Yes, right you are. We are going to speak today about slums We can call them shanty towns Can you give a definition of a shanty town? P2: Shanty town is a slum with a lot of dirty houses overcrowded with people and very poor living conditions (Презентация к уроку 60, слайды 2- 10) III. Проверка домашнего задания. Производится выборочно. Проверка домашнего задания базового уровня проверяется в классе (раб тетрадь: стр41, упр. 1,3) Учащиеся, выполнявшие домашнее задание повышенного уровня (написать доклад на тему интересную для учащегося) сдают тетради на проверку. IV. Фонетическая отработка слов Look at the slide and read the words after the announcer (Презентация к уроку 60, слайд 12) V. Усвоения новых знаний А) Активизация лексики T: How can these words be related to it? P1: Slum is an overcrowded community of poor houses P2: There are no basic services in a slum P3: People can not afford medical care because they are really very poor P4: The level of poverty is high because of unemployment P5: Child labour is a common thing there P1: The level of poverty is high because of unemployment P2: There are a lot of infectious diseases because of lack of clean water. P3: Streets of shanty towns are full of crime. (презентация к уроку 60. слайды 13-20) В) Работа над чтением (детальное понимание прочитанного) T: Read the text and choose the correct word S/B Ex.2, P.97 Listen to the text to check Учащиеся читают и выбирают правильный вариант ответ, проверка осуществляется путем прослушивания аудиозаписи Ответы: 1B, 2C, 3A, 4C, 5D, 6C, 7A (презентация к уроку60, слайды 20, 21) Динамическая пауза Учащимся предлагается выполнить гимнастику для глаз (Видео к уроку 60) С) Презентация нового лексического материала T: Write down the words in bold from the text and explain their meaning as you understand. P1: worthless: having no value . P2: poverty: state of being extremely poor P3: conflict: fighting, battle or war P4: prospect: possibility P5: vast: extremely big P1: decent: at an acceptable level P2: affordable: inexpensive P3: malnutrition: physical condition caused by poor eating habits/lack of food (Презентация к уроку 60, слайды 22-31) D) Закрепление лексического материала T: Match the words. Use the phrases in the correct form to complete the sentences. P1: Shanty town, child labour, set up business, make up one’s mind P2: Urban sprawl, traffic congestion, national parks (Презентация к уроку 60, слайды 32-38) P3: 1) Many countries have laws against child labour because they want to protect young children from working under dangerous conditions. P4: 2) I have not made up my mind where to visit yet, Athens or Rome P5: 3) Before city planners brought clean water and electricity to that part of the city it was a shanty town. P1: 4) Jake planned to open a small restaurant. However, he needed a bank loan to set up the business P2: 5) The new metro system solved the city’s traffic congestion problem as less people drove their cars P3: 6) Urban sprawl is destroying farmlands at an alarming rate. P4: 7) England’s national parks help preserve its wild life and natural beauty. (Презентация к уроку 60, слайды 39- 45) E) Работа над чтением с извлечением специфической информации T: Read the text once more and try to answer the questions S/B ex.3, p.96 T: How were shanty towns started? P1: Shanty towns start because governments in the developing world cannot cope with the large numbers of people who move to the cities from the countryside. T: What main problems do people living in shanty towns face? P2: People living in shanty towns face terrible conditions (overcrowding, lack of clean water/sanitation); unemployment; poverty; malnutrition; child labour, crime and violence. T: What can be done to improve the situation? P3: Charities can offer residents loans so that they can start up businesses and earn a decent living; Governments can provide these areas with electricity, water and other amenities; communities can work together to find solutions to their problems. V. Совершенствование навыка устной речи Учащимся предлагается работа в группах и высказаться по одному из вопросов. T: Work in groups. Imagine you live in a shanty town. Prepare a proposal for the city council to improve conditions in a shanty town. Think about: Housing Sanitation Services Group 1 Housing : Conditions in our shanty town are terrible. We live overcrowded, with no proper sanitation and we face crime and violence everyday. As the city council it is your responsibility to improve and build up the infrastructure of our community. First of all, proper sanitation and clean water facilities must be built to provide for the entire community. In addition, housing needs drastic improving with proper apartments built and roads constructed. Group 2 Sanitation; To prevent crime and violence, streets and public area need to be well-lit and proper police protection services need to be provided. Group3 Services: Furthermore, services need to be provided, such as a community centre for youths that offers activities for them, so they don’t turn to streetlife and gangs. An employment and job training centre is a valuable service that would help insolving the high levels of unemployment we suffer as a community. Finally, small business loan and development programs would be highly effective at creating businesses in our community and decreasing poverty at the same time. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. Учащиеся высказывают свое мнение об уроке. T: Your work is excellent today. I am very pleased with your work. It was great to work with you. Did you like the lesson? What new have you learnt? P1: I am very pleased with the lesson. The topic is rather interesting. I think, it’s a great problem practically in every country. P2: The topic was not very interesting for me. There are more interesting topics to discuss. But I think, it’s really an urgent problem and it should be discussed and solved. Возможен вариант заполнения таблицы. Skills I can I am not sure I can’t I know the meaning of the words. I can answer the questions. I can read the text with new lexic and understand it. I can discuss the problem in groups. Домашнее задание Базовый уровень: Раб. Терадь с.42, упр.4 Повышенный уровень: учебник, стр.96, упр.4 T; Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good bye
Автор(ы): Перфилова Е. В.
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