Кротова Владлена Николаевна учитель английского языка МОАУ «СОШ №2 им. Карнасевича С.С. г. Орска» Предмет: английский язык Класс: 10 УМК: «Английский в фокусе», под ред. Афанасьевой О.В., Дули Д, Михеевой И.В., 2012 Уровень обучения: базовый Тема урока: Тропические леса Общее количество часов, отведенное на изучение темы: 12 Место урока в системе уроков по теме: 10 Цель урока: развитие диалогической речи учащихся с использованием новых выражений, формирование целостного представления о мире, об общих проблемах, стоящих перед человечеством в XXI веке; систематизация и обобщение знания учащихся по теме. Задачи урока: Образовательная расширить кругозор по теме; формировать лексико-грамматические навыки в формате ЕГЭ; Воспитательная поддерживать дух толерантности, принимая другие точки зрения; формировать уважительное отношение к природе, бережливости; осознание роли человека во взаимодействии с природой; формировать способность осознать экологические проблемы и желание помочь природе; поддерживать других и быть к ним благожелательными. Развивающая способствовать развитию аналитического, критического, латерального мышления, через использования проблемных ситуаций; развивать умение работать в группе Планируемые результаты: Уметь работать с текстом (поиск информации), знать основные лексические единицы по теме, уметь высказывать свое мнение по проблеме урока. Техническое оснащение урока: компьютер, экран Дополнительное методическое и дидактическое обеспечение урока: видео запись по теме «Тропический леса», аудиозапись упр. 1 стр.77, аудиозапись текста упр.2 стр.77, раздаточный материал для учащихся. Содержание урока: The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Организационный момент: T: Hello everybody! Glad to see you. You are quite well, aren’t you? P: Yes, we are. T: I see that … are absent today. Мотивация, целеполагание: T: Don’t forget about the rules of team work. Use English at the lesson. T: As for the topic of the lesson, it’s very interesting, what is it? Close your eyes. Listen to the sounds. Imagine you are in a tropical rainforest. Describe the scene. What you can see, hear, feel, taste? (Аудиоприложение 1) T: So, what in your opinion is the topic of our discussion? In your answers, use, please these phrases: In my opinion… I think… I consider… P: T: Yes, you’re right! The topic of our lesson today is: “Tropical Rainforests”. (слайд 1) T: That’s why what will be our tasks? P: Our tasks will be… Основной этап урока. 1. Проверка домашнего задания. T: T: Before we start? Look at your desk. You have all your need for our lessen. Now let’s check your homework. (Учащиеся представляют домашнее задание.) 2.Выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений. T. Our planet is on the verge of a global ecological catastrophe. Acid rain, global warming, air and water pollution, destruction of wildlife are the problems that threaten human life on Earth. Who is to blame for the disaster? The answer is simple: us. But first, I want to make sure you know the meaning of the words on the topic. Let’s do some tasks to brush up our vocabulary. Watch the following video and express your opinion. It has made a great impression on me. (video) Look at the blackboard! This is the mind map.( Mind map “Tropical Rainforests”) T: Very good! Now, take your lists and make the first exercises. Brush up your vocabulary. Match the words with their definitions.: 1.extinct a. a person who kills wildlife illegally 2.pollution b. an electricity generation station which uses radioactive fuel to drive the generators 3.ozone layer c. no longer existing, as an animal species 4.poacher d. the damage done to air, water or soil by the addition of harmful chemicals 5.habitat e. the part of the Earth which contains all the living creatures 6.biosphere f. the process of treating paper, plastic and metals so that they can be used again 7. acid rain g. the raising of the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels and increased amount of gases such as carbon dioxide 8.nuclear power station h. the natural environment of a plant or animal 9.endangered species i. the act of cutting down large areas of forest 10. recycling j. a species which is in danger of becoming extinct 11.global warming k. rain that contains acid from industrial waste 12.deforestation l. a layer of the chemical ozone in the earth’s atmosphere that block harmful rays from the sun Keys: 1.c; 2.d; 3.l; 4.a; 5.h; 6.e; 7.k; 8.b; 9.j; 10.f; 11.g; 12.i T: Change your list with your partner. Look at the slide and correct mistakes answer T: Watch the following video and express your opinion. It has made a great impression on me. (video) Look at the blackboard! This is the mind map. (Mind map “Tropical Rainforests”) T: Ok, that’s very good. And you know that our life very stressful. Let’s imagine this situation and try to overcome our nervousness: 3. Динамическая пауза: Take a few deep breaths; Hold your back straight; Lift your chin slightly. T: Very well! 4. Работа с учебником. T: Every person has a possibility to make a positive impact on the environmental. Open your books page 77 Read the questions in bold in the text. Try to answer. In your answers, use, please these phrases: In my opinion… I think… I consider… P: T: Very good! Listen the text. Try to answer the questions in the text. The following words and phrases appear in the dialogue. What might the dialogue be about? Listen, read and check. (Учащиеся прослушивают текс выполнят задания. Упр. 2 стр.77, аудиоприложение 2) T: Let’s check your answers…. T: Work in group. Imagine you are a reporter of school magazines. Discuss this problem with your partner. Use the questions in your book. Make 2 minutes’ talk. (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы с опорой на прослушанный текс. Упр. 3а стр. 77) T: Let’s check your answers…. T: It’s time to come to the conclusion. So, what can we do to improve the ecological situation? Work in groups and brainstorm the ideas. Are your ideas realistic? Can they be achieved in an everyday life? Work in groups and brainstorm the ideas. You have several minutes to systematize, write your ideas on the sheets of paper. (Учащиеся разделяются на две группы. Анализируют материал урока, записывают на листах бумаги) T: Again let’s see what have you got: Заключительный этап урока (Conclusion): T: So, boys and girls, let’s come to a conclusion of our lesson. The topic of our today's conversation was very serious. There are a lot of problems but, unfortunately, we don’t have enough time to discuss all of them. (Учащиеся делают выводы по пройденному материалу) Домашнее задание. T: At home can use the text as a model to prepare the presentation. You can use the Internet, reference book to gather information on rainforests and make notes. Or if you want you can prepare a poster for the school art class entitled “Save the Rainforests” When you’ll prepare your homework use the following the plan. 1. Make an introduction (state the problem) 2. Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for it 3. Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for it 4. Explain why you don’t agree with it 5. Make a conclusion restating your opinion Подведение итогов урока. Today environmental issues are much spoken and written about on TV, radio and in the newspapers. Fortunately, it’s not too late to solve these problems. If we take actions now, there might be some hope for the future. Together we can save the planet and all of us with it. We’ll have to stop now. That’s all for today. I'd like to thank you for good work at the lesson. All of you worked very well. I give excellent marks to..., good- to :, etc. I wish you good luck. The lesson is over. See you later. Goodbye!
Автор(ы): Кротова В. Н.
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